Tiktok Recipe Baked Feta Cheese Pasta without oven


Have you tried this viral Tik Tok recipe - Tomato Baked Feta Cheese Pasta? In this article, we will share a simple Tik Tok Feta Pasta recipe that you can make using the pan method instead of the conventional oven method. Baked Feta Cheese Pasta has become so popular globally. There is a reason why this pasta hack become so well-known! Try it out and let me know if you love it.

The Tik Tok baked feta pasta has it all, big bold flavors, creamy comfort, and carbs! Tik Tok Baked feta pasta is the perfect fall comfort food: it’s creamy, tomato-y, and So damn delicious. It’s probably the simplest pasta dish if you’ll make it the reward is so high for an incredibly low effort.

What is this Tik Tok pasta trend?

It’s super simple: cherry tomatoes are tossed with olive oil mixed block of feta Pasta with another ingredient. It's cooked until getting tomatoes burst, releasing their sweet and jammy flavors. The feta gets melty and oozy. You mix it all up into a quick sauce and toss in minced garlic, basil, crushed red pepper, and pasta. Boom, dinner is done!

What is baked feta pasta?

Baked Feta Pasta is a pasta dish that has currently gone viral on Tik Tok because it is incredibly easy to make, delicious, and tastes good. It is based on baked feta, a Greek appetizer. The first mention of mixing cooked feta with pasta was popularized by Finnish blogger Jenny Häyrinen. She called it Unifetapasta or Baked Feta Pasta. Apparently, feta pasta is incredibly popular in Finland because some other bloggers have blogged about it as well.


A great thing about this recipe is that you can make it using Pan. Using quick-cooking pasta helps because you can add it directly to the pan.

Prep Time: 20 mins Cook Time: 40 mins            Total Time: 1 hrs

INGREDIENT For Baked Feta Cheese Pasta (Pan Method):

- Italian Pasta - 250g
- Cherry Tomatoes - 400g
- 3 pieces of Feta Cheese
- 4-5 Cloves of Garlic
- Italian Basil Leaves 100g
or 1 tbsp dried oregano
- 1 Cup of Olive Oil
- Black Pepper 1 TSP


 Let's start with the pasta 

Step 1. Pour about 400ml of water into the bowl  

Step 2. Let's wait for the water to boil. 

Step 3. Add in your preferred amount of pasta You may use other types of pasta too!

Step 4. Give it a few stirs so the pasta will not stick to the bowl 

Step 5. Boil it for about 10 minutes 

Step 6. For cooking this recipe with the pan method (Instead of using the oven)

Step 7. Be generous with the olive oil 

Step 8. Put the Feta cheese in the center 

Step 9. Next, put tomatoes (400g) around the feta cheese

Step 10. Add MORE OLIVE OIL if needed 

Step 11. Add in as many black peppers as you like 

Step 12. Turn on small heat 

Step 13. You may use a lid to speed up the process 

Step 14. Chop up small garlic chunks Set the garlic aside, for now, 

Step 15.  Cook till tomatoes become juicy 

Step 16. Now Mix the tomato with the feta cheese 

Step 17. You should be able to smell a pleasant aroma by now! 

Step 18. Add in the garlic chunks from earlier 

Step 19. Add in some basil leaves Mix them up again 

Step 20. Put in the cooked pasta You may add some pasta water if it is too dry Stir it slightly. 

Step 21. Now you are done! 

TikTok pasta FAQ

1. What if I don’t like feta?

If you don't like feta, try using French feta, which has a slightly milder flavor, or even a different kind of cheese. This pasta recipe would also work with Brie, ricotta, fresh mozzarella, or cream cheese.

2. Do I have to use cherry tomatoes for feta-baked pasta?

If you don't have cherry tomatoes, literally any tomato will work, you'll want about 1 lb. If you use larger tomatoes, quarter them before cooking.

3. What kind of pasta should I use for feta-baked pasta?

You can use penne, rotini, macaroni, rigatoni, or even long pasta like spaghetti or fettuccine.

4. What kind of baking dish should I use?

It's better to use a baking dish that isn't too large - a medium baking dish will help keep the tomatoes altogether and close in the olive oil so they don't dry out too much. We want the tomatoes to be jammy and soft, not oven-dried.

5. I don’t like raw garlic, does the garlic need to be raw?

When you add raw garlic to hot tomatoes, the remaining heat from the tomatoes and feta will gently heat the garlic and remove the raw garlic leaving a great effect on the garlic flavor. If you really don't want to use raw garlic, you can add it to the pan before roasting the tomatoes, but make sure they're covered with oil so they don't burn.