Best Story on honesty | Story of Goddess Lakshmi and poverty


Honesty is one of the most important values a person can have. Honesty is an important quality that helps to build trust and strong relationships. It helps to foster communication, understanding, and respect. Stories about honesty can be powerful tools to help teach children the value of being truthful and to recognize when they are being dishonest. The best stories on honesty are those that convey a meaningful lesson without being too didactic or preachy. In this article will explore one short story on honesty that can be used to teach children the importance of being truthful.

Best Story on Honesty - Goddess Lakshmi and poverty

Once there was a fight between Goddess Lakshmi ji and goddess of poverty regarding beauty.

Lakshmi ji was saying that I am more beautiful, and the goddess of poverty was saying that I am more beautiful.

Both the sisters reached out to Shivji to resolve their quarrel and asked Shivji who is the most beautiful among the two of us?

Shivji thought where should I get into a fight with the beauty of these women, to avoid the matter he told both the sisters to go to any city on earth and ask any honest shopkeeper, and he will give the correct answer. Both the sisters disguise themselves and come to a city and reach the shop of the honest, and ask the honest shopkeeper who is the prettier among the two of us??? The honest shopkeeper understands that these two are not ordinary women. He honestly says very thoughtfully that the Peepal tree in front of my shop, both of you walk till there and come back, then I will tell that you who is the prettier of the two? Lakshmi ji and the goddess of poverty walk towards that peepal tree and when both of them came back after touching the peepal tree, they started asking the honest shopkeeper brother, now tell who is the most beautiful among the two of us! Then the honest shopkeeper says to the goddess of poverty: Sister, you look beautiful while leaving and tells Lakshmiji, you look beautiful while coming!
After listening to the wise shopkeeper's answer, since then poverty never comes to the house of the honest, and goddess Lakshmi ji never leaves the house of the honest!


How honesty can lead to positive outcomes. It shows that honesty is always the best policy and that it is important to be honest in all situations. Honesty will always pay off in the end.