How To Use Law Of Attraction To Attract Happiness: The Bhagwat Gita Connection

How To Use Law Of Attraction To Attract Happiness: The Bhagwat Gita Connection

The Bhagwat Gita and the Law of Attraction are two spiritual teachings with many followers. Both teach the law of attraction: that you can attract the things you want into your life by thinking about them. However, the two teachings have very different perspectives on how to manifest your desires.

1. The Bhagwat Gita and the Law of Attraction

Both the Bhagwat Gita and the Law of Attraction focus on your state of mind. In the Bhagwat Gita, a deity named Krishna tells the devotee who has taken on the duties of the leader of a group of demons, "You should not think, 'My mind is powerful.' Think, 'My mind is being used in service.' That is what will draw prosperity and happiness." That was an easy concept for people of the past to understand. When you think about the desired outcome, you envision it. It's why fortune-tellers and other mystics of yore said, "When you think about your desires, it will happen to you," or even "Whatever you think about is what you will get." But that's not what the Bhagwat Gita teaches. The Bhagwat Gita explains that we are not obligated to manifest our desires.

2. The Bhagwat Gita's Perspective on Manifesting Desires

The Bhagavad Gita is a Hindu scripture containing the teachings of Lord Krishna to the warrior Arjuna. It provides comprehensive guidance in life including the process of manifesting desires. According to the Bhagavad Gita, manifested desires involve a combination of action and detachment. The first step is to identify your desires and set specific goals. This is important because it gives you a clear direction and focus. Once you have identified your desires, you must take action toward them. However, the Bhagavad Gita stresses the importance of taking action without attachment to the result. It means that you should try your best and let the result go. The result is not in your hands but in the hands of God. The Bhagavad Gita also stresses the importance of Karma Yoga, which is the yoga of action. It involves performing one's duties without attachment to the result but as an offering to God. This attitude of offering allows you to let go of your ego and surrender to a higher power. By doing so, you can align yourself with the Divine Will and manifest your desires in a way that is in line with your highest good. Finally, the Bhagavad Gita's perspective on manifesting desires emphasizes the importance of action, detachment, and surrender to the divine will. By setting specific goals and taking action toward them, detaching yourself from consequences, and dedicating your actions to the divine, you can manifest your desires in a way that aligns with your highest good.

2.1 Karma, Dharma, and Moksha

Karma, Dharma, and Moksha are important concepts in Hinduism that can help us attract happiness and live fulfilling lives. Karma refers to the concept of cause and effect. According to Hinduism, every action we do has a result, good or bad. The idea is that the energy we put out into the world through our thoughts, words, and actions will eventually come back to us. Therefore, by doing good deeds and avoiding harmful ones, we can create positive karma and attract happiness. The key to creating positive karma is to act selflessly without the expectation of reward or recognition. Dharma is the concept of duty or righteous behavior. It refers to the idea that each person has a unique purpose or role in life and that by fulfilling that purpose, we can achieve a sense of fulfillment and contentment. By following our dharma, we can contribute to the greater good and live in harmony with the universe. Dharma is not about fulfilling our personal desires or goals, but about doing what is right and just. Moksha is the ultimate goal of Hinduism, and it refers to liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. It is the attainment of spiritual enlightenment and a state of oneness with the universe. According to Hinduism, the pursuit of salvation is the highest goal of human existence, and it can lead to a sense of deep peace and happiness. Finally, the concepts of karma, dharma, and moksha can all contribute to our overall sense of happiness and well-being. By creating positive karma through selfless actions, following our dharma living in harmony with the universe, and striving for spiritual enlightenment and liberation, we can attract happiness into our lives and live a full and meaningful existence. These concepts are not limited to Hinduism but can be applied to anyone seeking a sense of purpose and satisfaction in life.

2.2 Karma Yoga

The traditional understanding of the Bhagwad Gita is that it teaches the spiritual journey of self-realization, or “Karma Yoga”. At the beginning of your spiritual journey, you learn about your past lives. You realize that you’ve been responsible for the happiness or misery of all other humans and animals, and thus your karma has determined the type of rebirth you’ll have in the future. Karma Yoga, then, is about the practice of letting go of the past and focusing on future happiness and freedom. Wicca A different interpretation of the Bhagwad Gita is the “Wiccan,” or “Witchcraft,” interpretation. According to this understanding, the Book of Job is the most fundamental work of the whole religion.

2.3 Dhyana Yoga

Another common point of spiritual overlap is meditation. A meditation technique called Dhyana Yoga is used to focus your spiritual attention. Dhyana Yoga, also known as Meditation Yoga, is one of the eight limbs of yoga described by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras. Dhyana Yoga is the practice of meditation to achieve a state of deep concentration and peace of mind. This state of mind can help us achieve happiness, peace, and inner peace.

2.3.1 Focus on the present moment

The first step in attracting happiness through meditation yoga is to focus on the present moment. Often, we get caught up in thoughts of the past or worries about the future, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress. However, by focusing on the present moment, we can find a sense of calm and contentment. During meditation, bring your attention to your breath or meditation point and let go of any distracting thoughts.

2.3.2. Practice Regularly

Practicing regularly is essential to experience the benefits of Dhyana Yoga. Ideally, you should aim to meditate for at least 10-15 minutes every day. Set a specific time and place for your practice and try to stick to it. Consistency is key to making progress in your meditation practice.

2.3.3. Build self-awareness

Self-awareness is an essential component of meditation yoga. Through meditation, we can observe our thoughts and feelings without judgment. This process helps us to become more aware of our habitual thought patterns and negative emotions. By recognizing these patterns, we can begin to release them and develop more positive thoughts and feelings.

2.3.4. Cultivate compassion and kindness

Another way to attract happiness through meditation yoga is to cultivate compassion and kindness towards yourself and others. During meditation, you can practice sending loving-kindness to yourself and others. This practice can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety and increase feelings of happiness and contentment.

2.3.5. Drop attachments

According to Dhyana Yoga, one of the main causes of suffering is attachment to impermanent things. By letting go of attachments, we can create a sense of dispassion and freedom. During meditation, you can practice letting go of the thoughts and feelings that are holding you back and causing you suffering. Finally, meditation yoga provides a powerful tool for attracting happiness and inner peace. By focusing on the present moment, practicing regularly, developing self-awareness, compassion, and kindness, and letting go of attachments, we can experience greater joy and contentment in our lives. Remember that meditation is a practice; it takes time and dedication to see results. With patience and persistence, you can achieve a state of deep concentration and peace of mind that can help you attract happiness and inner peace.

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3. The Law of Attraction's Perspective on Manifesting Desires

The Law of Attraction was created by a character in the Hollywood blockbuster The Secret. Alisha Sinha is a character who has extraordinary luck. The film's ending describes how she manifests her innermost desires using the law of attraction. The documentary film Unbelievable teaches how the law of attraction can bring you fame, money, true love, and even immortality. However, if you're thinking in terms of "want" you won't find your real desires in the law of attraction. Your desires are not material possessions. Your real desires are about what you truly want in your life. Answering the call of your innermost heart can only be done through the Law of Attraction.

4. The Similarities and Differences Between the Two Teachings

Both The Bhagwat Gita and the Law of Attraction teach that you can change the world by thinking about it. By saying things like, "What I desire, I shall attract" and "To desire, to attract". The Gita is the ultimate spiritual manual for people looking to grow closer to God. And it is also very practical and relatable. If you look through the Gita, you will find many instances where you can apply its teachings to your own life. So if you're looking for a spiritual manual that is easy to understand, accessible, and above all, practical, then you want The Bhagwat Gita by Bhagavan Das. Click here to read the first few pages of the Bhagavad Gita online The Bhagwad Gita: How To Manifest Your Dreams And Desire The basic tenets of the Gita are simple but have a lot of power in them.