How To Stay Motivated And Get Your Vision Out To The World

What is Vision
Image Credit - Pixabay

Motivation can take you far, but it can take you even further if you find your vision first.  Your vision will inspire and guide you on your journey to success and private fulfillment.

What is a vision?

A vision is a dream for the future. It is a goal, a target, or a goal in life. It is your personal expression of what you want to achieve. When you make it a personal goal, your confidence and determination will motivate you. It is powerful and can help you stick to your goals and achieve your dreams. In other words, your vision is the motivator that will drive you. If you want something, you must envision how it is going to happen. It sounds simple, but very few people do it. I am going to show you the power of a vision, along with the steps you need to take to obtain one, and how to maintain it. These things can have a major impact on your life, both today and in the future. I believe they can be life-changing. What is the vision?

Why do you need a vision?

Because of the unexpected life changes. You never know what can come your way and you need to be ready for that. So how do you stay motivated? Start by taking a look at yourself and deciding on the path you want to take with your life. Many people say that they have a vision, but they aren't really sure what they want. Why is vision important in your life? Do you know what you want? What do you want to be doing in 20 years? What is your passion? What is your ultimate goal? The Importance of having a clear vision is once you know what your vision is, begin to really work towards it. You'll begin to notice little things that will bring you closer to it. Build a vision board! If you haven't already, start working on a vision board, a small collage, or a piece of Posterboard that you can hang on your wall. It doesn't have to be huge. It can be something simple. By doing these little things you will know the power of having a vision and the benefits of vision.

How do you find a vision?

In my experience, many people fail to find their vision, because they are using the wrong questions. Instead of asking how you can do things differently to get things done better, ask yourself why you want to do them. That's a much more powerful question because it asks the "why" behind the "what." Why do you want to do something different? What is important to you? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What can you do better? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? How can you achieve that? What are your goals, and how do you plan to get there? What are you looking for? "Why?"  is a much deeper question than "how" or "what". People often give up before they even start because they can't answer that one question.

How can you use your vision to stay motivated?

To find your vision: Take a minute to look around you and take a good look at your environment. What do you see? Notice the world around you. What is the color of the walls? Do the clouds look soft and fluffy? What color do you see them? How many of them? Does it feel like they are moving quickly? Which direction are they moving? How long does it take you to notice them? Notice your surroundings. What colors are they? What texture is the carpet? Do you see any flowers in the yard? Are there many leaves falling from the trees? Does the grass feel soft to your feet? How many trees do you see in the distance? Is the ground still wet from a recent rain? The next time you are outside walking or running, notice what is happening around you. What do you see?

How do you keep yourself motivated every single day?

How can you put your vision into practice?

1. Pick your vision:

 Don’t just sit there; pick something that matters to you. What is it that you want out of life? What’s important to you in life? What things make you happy? What motivates you? What are you missing in your life? What are you looking for? What do you want to do and be able to do? What do you wish you could do? What do you want to be known for? What is it that you’re great at? Ask yourself these questions and see where the answers lead you. 

2. Create a vision board: 

This is a popular option to help you create a vision. They’re great for inspiration and to remind you of what you want. They’re great for motivating you because they remind you of your goals and what’s really important to you.


I would like to end this article on a positive note. I would like to challenge you to write down your vision and make it as powerful as you can. Read it every day. Keep improving it. Create a vision board or picture. Take pictures. Make a video. Start sharing it. Make it relatable. Have an action plan for how you can bring it to life. Use that power of motivation to stay motivated and never give up on your dream. Cheers and Motivation To Increase Your Success by 42.2% in 5 Months. 

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