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Ever feel like you’re not living your ideal life?
I know how that feels. We all have dreams and aspirations for our lives, and it can feel like we’re not getting anywhere when we compare our reality to our imagined future. The past is where you learn the lesson, and the future is where you apply the lesson. I know this doesn’t sound very profound, but it means that if you’re not happy with your life where you are now, you have the power to change it. This blog post is about the biggest lesson, which is that it’s okay to be a beginner.
This is the process of life. In the past, you learn the lesson. In the present, you learn the lesson. In the future, you apply the lesson. But the most important question to ask yourself is what do you do with the present?
The present is the bridge that connects the past to the future, and if you are not living in the present, it is impossible to live in the future. What you do in the present sets the stage for your future.
Here are some ways to make the most of the present. Live your ideal life. You might not know what you’re good at, or how to find your passion, or what your life’s calling is. But it’s never too late to start learning.
1. Welcome to the Now
Some people love the idea of being on the edge of change, and they wish they could have more power to be true now. They wish they had more time to live their ideal life. But you don’t have enough time to live your ideal life in the present. You need to learn to live in the present so you can live your ideal life in the future.
You should spend your time on the things that are most important to you, and the things that matter most to you will change. So you might not be able to do something for the rest of your life if you’re not living your ideal life now.
You can be whoever you want to be in the future, but you will never be the same person as you are now. You can’t change the past. You can’t make your past what you want it to be. The past is what you learn from.
2. The Past is Where You Learn the Lesson, the Future is Where You Apply the Lesson Live Your Ideal Life
What is an Ideal Life? My father was a futurist and my mother is an educator. I’ve been involved in the industry since I was sixteen years old, and I now run my own business. I have an affinity for business and creativity, and I’m driven to help as many people as possible. And then there’s the rest of me… I’ve got a nice house, I have two dogs, I like to travel, I’m a musician, and I’m a photographer. But I’ve also got another side to me.
I love to take adventures and have fun, go skiing, watch the mountains, travel, hike. I’m a different kind of person who enjoys learning new things and immersing myself in new cultures.
That’s my ideal life. That’s the life I want, and the life I’ve spent my entire life working towards. I don’t have it yet, but I’m determined to get it.
3. The Past is Where You Learn the Lesson
Everyone gets to be the star at some point, and the more experience you have under your belt, the more you can enjoy being an active participant in your own life. The more you know, the more you’ll be able to reach for your own stars.
The more you’ve been in life, the more likely you are to have at least a vague idea of what you’d like your life to look like in the future. We get a glimpse into the future from looking back at the past, and our future is shaped by those moments of past and present we remember most vividly.
The Past is where you learn the lesson. In the past, you learned your lesson. You should know what is the most important lesson you've learned in life? for the future where you are going to apply your lesson. In the past, you applied your lesson, and in the future, you’ll be able to apply it again.
4. The Future is Where You Apply the Lesson
You can’t do anything about the past. But you can make the present the best it can be by learning from it. You should try to learn from your mistakes. They are inevitable, but it’s easy to dwell on the mistakes and get stuck.
The key to avoiding these pitfalls is to remember that the past is a guide. Your future is where you apply the lesson. As Mark Twain said, “Life is short, break the rules. If you get a chance, take it. You might not get another one.”
So, Make the most of your present by learning from your mistakes. You’ll probably end up living a more fulfilling life if you do. If you want to apply the lesson to your future, you’ll have to live it. If you want to live your ideal life, then you’ll have to live an ideal life.
5. It’s okay to be a beginner
We live in an age of instant gratification, where our expectations are very high for what we need and want from our lives. I remember going through a period in my life where I wanted everything right away.
I wanted success, and I wanted to be popular, and I wanted to be physically attractive, and I wanted a boyfriend, and I wanted to get married and have children. And those weren’t just random things; they were all things that I could control.
If I could just be the kind of person that others liked, I could have everything that I wanted. I had a very specific version of the kind of person that I wanted to be, and I let it get in the way of actually doing what was really important. In other words, I had tunnel vision: I only saw my own desires, and I got stuck.
6. Why is a beginner is okay
I used to hear the phrase, “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm for the task at hand,” and I was always discouraged by that quote.
I was taught that you have to be experienced and skilled to be successful. I was taught that by using your past experiences, you can find your ideal life. Here’s the truth: Success isn’t about being good enough. But failure is. Yes, you can learn from failure. But failure is the worst way to learn.
You can get so much better by getting out of your comfort zone. You don’t have to keep doing what you’re doing, because this is a recipe for failure. Failure is the most powerful thing you can do to develop your unique abilities. Don’t stop learning. It can only make you better.
"Face the Failure
Until Failure Fails to Face You"
7. What If I’m Not Happy With My Life?
The biggest lesson to learn is that you’re going to be unhappy with your life in the present unless you are living your ideal life. If you’re not happy with your life right now, take a minute and reflect on your life and what you think is wrong.
Think about all the things that you are upset about right now. Do you have any health issues that are keeping you from reaching your full potential? Are you not happy with your body? Do you feel completely lonely? It might not feel like a problem now, but imagine how you will feel when you are really sick or injured, or you don’t have a close relationship with a friend, or you don’t have a close relationship with your spouse.
You will be unhappy with your life then. So, get to work! What are you doing with your life? Stay Positive!
8. The Biggest Lesson
Choose to make the most of the present, rather than getting caught up in the past. The Past is Where You Learn the Lesson the Future is Where You Apply the Lesson: Live Your Ideal Life Experiment with your life.
“Just do it” is not the biggest rule to live by in life. That’s a piece of good advice, but it’s not the only one. Some of my favorite life mentors tell me, “Do it, even if you fail. Don’t do it, even if you succeed.” Don’t get too caught up in being right. Take big risks, and fail often, but do it anyway.
That’s what I do, and I’m loving the life I’m leading. It all started for me when I stopped trying to be right, and instead of always trying to get better, I started focusing on learning. I did that to learn about the life, but I didn’t do it to get better.
8.1 It’s fine to be a beginner
The problem with the way that most of us are living is that we think that we have to have an idea of what our ideal life is. We’re in this rat race trying to climb the ladder, which means we’re also working our asses off in our jobs.
And our jobs are stressful, because they are full of requirements, long hours, and no opportunities to innovate or to be creative. The problem is that most of us start to feel like we’re not living our ideal lives.
We feel stuck and unhappy. We think that we need to find something that we’re good at, we need to discover what our calling is, we need to become something to be proud of. And this is a fallacy. You are where you are because that’s where you are.
8.2 Living your ideal life
I have known how to do it since I was 16 years old, but I was afraid. I was afraid of doing it wrong, or of getting too much attention for my ideas. I was afraid of rejection, of failing, and of being a nobody.
Thankfully I had a wise mentor who did this. He was a mentor to many of the founders. He told me that all great inventions and ideas come from a dark place. To put it simply, people who live their ideal life don’t want to be ordinary. They love the idea of having a vision for something that hasn’t been done yet.
At the same time, they know they don’t have the expertise to do it. They don’t know enough about the task, so they hire experts. They hire real experts who know how to execute.
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